reasons for different graduation rates

     The official four-year graduation rate for students attending public colleges and universities is 33.3%. The six-year rate is 57.6%. At private colleges and universities, the four-year graduation rate is 52.8%, and 65.4% earn a degree in six years. 

     according to  Government Publishes More Complete Graduation Rate Data | (2020). Federal Government Publishes More Complete Graduation RateFederal data. , these  aren’t as accurate as you might think,this is because of the way the department of education reports  degree attainment by students who graduate from their institutions.

    In my onion the difference in the graduation rates can be because of lack of education from high school year. some student don't take their high school year serious until their senior year. and when the get to college they repeat the same habits. some examples are,being late to class,not turning in work on time and even rushing the assignments.School Graduation Rates Are Deceiving. Here Are 7 Things That ...

    I also feel like students with family issues and financial issues can be another reason for students not graduating on time.I say this because if someone is having problems paying for school they will most likely drop out due to that reason.Family issues come in when the student feel pressured to go to school because it is something their family members want which can also cause them to slack leading to them being kicked out of school.


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