bone health
we have a lot of growing to do after we are born. not only do our bones want to grow longer and thicker as we grow but one’s skeleton is quite different from a baby’s skeleton. fetal skeleton has about 275 bones this helps their bones become flexible. The skeleton of an adult human is made up of 206 bones which are different shapes and sizes Bones make up 15% of our weight. newborn babies are born with more bones then an adult. Bones form of protection for your organs in your body helping to keep them safe when you fall or get hurt. your brain is organ that needs protection which is why you have your skull which is a thick bone to protect your brain. an adult body replaces its skeleton every seven to 10 years so after a bone stop getting longer, they continue to produce new bone tissue and replace old bone tissue. A child is born may produce newborns faster than adult. Sources: “7 Ways Kid Bones Are Different From Adult Bone...